I sometimes have a hard time differentiating one land type from another. In this case grass/agriculture land covers gave me a lot of trouble. In the Unsupervised map I took that cluster of fairly regular shapes in the north west portion to be an area of High Urban Density. I didn't even include a land cover category for agriculture because I didn't think any sizable farm land existed on the image. Part of my issue was not paying strict attention to the area I was viewing and making assumptions about the image based on past experience. I thought the main body of water running through the center of the map was Escambia Bay, hence I assumed that area in the North West portion to be Pensacola. Nope. That central water body in the image is Perdido Bay making that North West portion of the image a sparsely developed section of Alabama. Upon further review, I took those North West sections to be tracts of farm land. I added the Agriculture land cover category for the Supervised image. I still ended up with a confusing mish mash of land cover types in portions of both maps and agreement between land type categories between each map is sketchy.